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One night only, ‘Just David’, one night only. Oct 11

Look out London, I’m on my way back!

The flights are confirmed, payed for and I have the e-ticket. Which actually just reminded me to take the e-ticket out of my work bag and put with my passport!

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Welcome Abbey Oct 08

News from home, Donna had a successful c-section this morning and Abbey Ann Mary has joined the family. Pictures to follow as it was a bank holiday here in Japan and Andrew sent the pics to work email.

Mother and daughter are doing great!

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Bring on the Pad Thai Oct 04

Found a great blog today while looking for chilli paste recipes. Chez
Pim. I particularly loved the entry of telling people to stop ‘fu&king around with Pad Thai‘.
Its comment thats been long overdue, I remember from my time in
Thailand eating Pad Thai direct off the street. It was the ultimate
fast food really, and so so tasty. Chefs in the western world seem to
think need to fiddle with it, when really they should just leave it

I found another entry which outlined how to cook Pad
Thai, and lucky for me I had all the right stuff in the house, so
following Pims outline I wipped up a batch, and wow, was it good. Also
the mystery of how to cook it is gone, which while a little sad no
mystery, does mean no problems making more.

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How to eat Sushi. Oct 04

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That Morning Kick Oct 01

I’ve given up on trying give up coffee.  Having spent the last month of not having it and feeling like a flat pancake in the morning its time to recognise reality!  I think right at the moment I just need an extra kick in the morning to keep me going, or rather get the engine started.

This is came about because yesterday I couldn’t figure out why I had so much energy in the evening (I even sewed the button onto a pair of my fav shorts, and filed all my bills!).  Then it dawned on me I’d been at siga fredo’s for coffee! A little casting back showed that coffee has been helping.  And its not like I’m guzzling the stuff down.  One grande latte seems to do the trick very nicely thanks.

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Footsteps Joomla is Dead, Long live Serendiptiy Sep 28

Well its taken about 3 weeks, but I’ve finally moved all the stuff from the Blogger blog site and all the newer stuff from Joomla into Serendipity, so its all here under one roof so to speak.

Interestingly its coming up to two years since I started blogging about life in Japan, and wow such much has happened.  I really wanted to move all the Joomla stuff over (and was really worried as the front end had crashed), and lucky for me I was still able to get into the administration and retrieve all the entries.  They were all the postings I had done during my recovery from Cancer so are very important to me.  Looking back on them it certainly was (and still is) quite a ride.

So now, its all in one place for anyone who wants to read it all!  (boring!).

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Work Tokyo midtown tower Sep 28

Click for full size image

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Heroes is back! Found the trailer and downloading episode now! Sep 27

If you didn’t’ see season one, go a grab it from Amazon its one the best programs around.

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A small reminder Sep 26

There a many aspects of living in Japan, a few I’ve covered in previous blogs and others that now just strike me as completely normal that I’ve forgotten that about the other world reality. (like trains running of time).



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The youngest country on Earth Sep 24

Time to go home. 

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