Have been trying the last 10 days to squeeze in abit of running between the gym sessions! The esplanade in Cronulla has got to be one of the most pleasant of runs, (verified even when raining). The plan was good, the achilles tendon not so good!
Seems somewhere in the last few years I've changed shape (wow, rocket scientist needed here to figure that out) and pronate when running. opps.
Trent had me stretching it a few different ways, and with a weekend away in wine country (again opps on the diet) I thought we had it cracked. Alas not, next run on Tuesday (5.3km – wohoo) it was not happy. So next session we did some really deep stretching with the roller. Well one of them has you all folded up origami style and roll onto your hip!
I nearly hit the roof it was so painful, and the switch of the left side did have me yelping. The really interesting bit is that I hadn't felt anything there before, no pain, no twinge. But trust me it was damn sore.
Just done the stretches for Thursday and still sore, but amazingly afterwards everything feels abit looser and relaxed. squeaky freaky!