The world now is so different now. A few months ago we all thought we were safe. The markets were good and we invested into all those wonderful high return funds. Well I know for myself they have all gone crap. I haven’t yet had the check on all the money I invested as I’m way to scared to check. My 22% returnds at the beginning of the year are now probably showing I’ve lost money.
About a year ago I was investing in a number of funds in NZ and then decided that I had put enough into them so just started putting the money into the Bank of New Zealand on the best fixed term rates available (about 8%). I had no idea that this was going to turn out to be the best place to put the money. Two years later I’m actually getting a better return on my money from the funds. After all the admin and investment feeds they are no worth less than I put in. I’m not pullling out as the market will turn around and will (hopefully) make me money somewhere along the line.
I did pick top notch funds with good companies and so far so good, (well down now, but its a long term thing, so it should go up). Whom I feel for now is those who need to start pulling out there money based on investments they have made. We are looking at the baby boomer generation who have lost huge amounts of capital.