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The power of FON Jan 30
Got a great boast to this whole process last night.  The laptop was delivered and is doing great.  Got even better when I managed to find some wireless networks.  I could use one that was free but it was way slow.  There was also a FON one from the whole FON network, (link).  I purchased a 5 day pass for $10 and it is working a treat.
I have been able to access all my online stuff and configure the laptop to my liking.  Suddenly its not like being closed away from the world anymore.  I’m still reading and working on my katakana, but well impressed with FON.  To the point were I have ordered my own Wifi router to join the wave!!
On the serious side, chemo starts in the morning 9am!  3 hours in the morning and then 3 hours in the afternoon – for the next 5 days. 
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