One of my favourite new ‘toys’ went on strike the other day. Actually its not really a toy, but rather a high tech house hold appliance. I nicked name it Goosey Lucy, why, not a clue. Anyway Lucy is actually a roomba discovery robotic vacum cleaner. I am serious here. This one get raves reviews from those that have them, and given that I have a smallish appartment, wooden floors in sounded like a great idea.
The vacum cleaner I brought over from the UK was not going to cut the mustard as the voltage was all off, and even at half power not alot of dust was being relocated so another appliance went on to the shopping list. (the collection has grown as practically nothing from the UK will work here, computer being one exception). When it comes to household chores there are some I completely detest, and vacuming is sitting in prime position at the top of the list. (follow closely by oven cleaning, but hey no oven!) A robotic vacum cleaner sounded like the solution to all my problems.
Now being rather good at self justification for aquiring new toys the list ran as following.
– I need a new vacum cleaner – and some a bloody expensive over here.
– Detest vacuming.
– Current vacum cleaner lives in closet and takes up storage space, and a replacement one would as well.
– How often do you vacum under your bed and I have a raised one!,
Reasons for Lucy Goosey.
– Replacement Vacum cleaner
– Will live happily under the sofa on charging station.
– Will zip under the bed easily
– Meant to be great on wooden floors.
– Automatic – Horay.
End result is obviously Lucy taking up residence under the sofa and me getting more storage space as old vacum took a nose dive into the rubbish skip. Well let me tell you after making sure the floor are reasonably clear (which is great reason for picking up after ones self) I walk out of the appartment and turn Lucy loose. On arrive home the floors are spotless and Goosey is snoozing under the sofa on her charging station. (did I mention she has a remote control as well, I don’t even have to climb under the sofa to press the start button.).
Making a short story longer, Lucy managed to find the cable of a power transformer the other day and tried to digest it. I got home to find her sulking in the middle of the floor with a Sony power cable wrapped in her innards, and a soft red light warning me of her temper. After free the brush and returning her to her hidy hole I thought nothing more of it. Unfortunately the next day when I set her off to efficiently keep my house dust free, her normal dulcent tones were decidely croaky. Her little sweepy brushes had stopped there sweepy business. After checking everything I was lucky to remember that I had kept the warrenty card. Last night she returned back to home for repair.
In the meantime the dust is backing up something cronic and it going to be back to manual sweeping. So Lucy, get well soon and I miss you. When you arrive back I promise I won’t leave Sony power transformers on the floor. The bloody irony here is that the transformer is actually a 240v only and is destined for the dustbin.
(Update in 2007, is that Lucy is still going really strong, her battery may need replacing after two years of dedicated service). I did have to get a small normal vacum cleaner for extra ordinary cleaning, but Lucy still rocks and has been joined by Scooby do!)