Well I’ve spent a good part of the
weekend upgrading my PC from Windows XP to Vista, which I’m now
nick naming blista, cos thats what my mouse finger has. What a pain
in the next upgrade its been.
Would I recommend going to it. Well only if you have a certain
tendency towards pain. Nothing about this operating system is
designed to make life easy. Quite frankly having played around with
Linux desktop for a while I’m having some serious thoughts of
using that as my permenant workstation. Not that Linux is easy, but
the hoops you have to jump through with Vista are bringing it upto
the same level and at least with Linux you have an established
support base.
The irony is that its supposed to be the best windows ever, well
its certainly not going anywhere near my parents computer. I can
just support them on XP from a few thousand miles. I can barely
support this installation of Vista and I’m sitting right in front
of the screen.