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Horseman of the Apocalypse Apr 28

Just been reading one of the silliest articles on American politics, and trust me I’ve read some silly ones.  There are actually people in the US who believe that the flu outbreak is Obama’s doing.  Well not quite that, rather he is taking ‘advantage’ of it to get through a cabinet nomination.

The man is good, but even I don’t think he can arrange a flu outbreak to get things done in Washington.  Mine you ex President Bush created a war to get things done, so maybe I should look into this some more.

I’ve found American politics to be really rather interesting.  More for the sheer comedy of it all.  If the Republicans were in danger of actually believing there own bad press you would swear it was a comedy channel presentation.

oh wait, just found this.

from Mr Rush Limbaugh.  Really you could write this stuff if you tried.  These people are so far detached from reality.  Just waiting for 10 mistruths in 30 seconds Michelle Bachman, and i won’t let you speak, make sure the camera is on me Ann Coulter to wade into this issue.  Would be a laugh a minute if it weren’t such a serious issue.

Update:  29th April 2009 – And here is Bachman, getting it wrong as usual, now is we need is Coulter, and i get the hat trick prize.

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