By a complete accident when looking for a
simple Lamb Curry recipe I discovered this really cool blog (Route
79) with and excellant recipe selection, all with piccys and
easy instructions. I’m working on one of there recipes now and
will no doubt be back for me.
Found Australian Lamb chucks at the Meat Rush counter of Nissin
International Supermarket and I’ve been waiting to try them out in
a currey, except I’ve been in a Thai mood for a while now and lamb
is not really a Thai food, or at least I’ve not found a recipe
yet, granted haven’t looked very hard either.
bad bad day today. I’m swinging between
emotions of anger, depression and an overwhelming desire to home.
I’m angry that the cancer has changed so much of my life and I
want things to go back to normal, but thats not possible. I get
tired really easily and angry at myself for being tired. Depressed
cos things seem to be spiralling out of control and at then end of
it all I just want out!
I think I’m going to have to find some new hobbies as the most exciting thing for me today has been seeing that the lemon grass I brought the other day is sending out little roots. I had a look at the stems I got and selected two that had not completely had the based trimmed off and plonked them into a glass or water on my desk. Today one of them is sending out little shoots from its base.
No idea if the other one will shoot out yet, but not worried as it looks like I’m going to have my own lemon grass plant. And I’ve got the pot all ready for it and , man I’m sad!
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky – Try to take over the world!
Narf!! The only difference being right now it should be called "The same thing we do every week – G, Try to take over IT!"
I’m still trying to work out which on characters fits each of the
players here, but I’ve almost got it sorted. Now I just need to do
some research onto the supporting characters and I’ll have them all
nailed down. Turning it into a cartoon is my way of dealing with it
and basically I think its a load of bollocks. The IT department here
is only a handful of people yet from the way some of the ‘lords’ behave
you would think it was a surfdom created to do there bidding, and we
surfs are way to incompetant to be involved in those ‘managementy’ type
And looking out the window that seems particualarly true. The
weather has gone all foul again which likely means that spring is
on the way with rainy season somewhere there as well. The last few
months have been so focused on
I finally got my act together and have updated the footsteps web site. All that spare time in various bed and sofas with a laptop did have some benefit.
I was getting concerned that I had different web systems in different places and was ignoring my home page which was looking very dated and had become very static. Basically little more than a jumping off point to the gallery or to the blog. Thats all now changing with an open source product called Joomla. So far I’ve got the blogging component up and running with some integration to the coppermine photo gallery.
I’ve even cleaned up some of the pictures as I’d gone a little overboard and had loaded to many up there! So please bear with me. I’m don’t know if I’ll transfer this blog over but time will tell.
Before I went in for chemotherapy I treated myself to a pair of the Bose Noise cancelling headphones (yeah the real bad boy ones). Well all I can say is what a joy to your ear they are. Firstly they are so comfortable when putting on, like slipping into fresh egyption cotten sheets (whoops back on subject). Then you flip the switch to activate the noise cancel and its like a compression of reality.
You don’t realise just how much backgroud noise is going on until you turn it off. It almost feels like the world in collasping inwards. Then you turn on the music, and sweet sweet sound comes pouring out. No blibs and burbs, or tinny base. These are one of the sweetest sounding headphones around. The cancelling of background noise lets you enjoy the smooth tones anywhere. (well almost).
Once the music starts it really is like a separate world, and you are the only person there. In a city of 35+millon people, thats a big thing.
The last few days have been totally freezing. If I did know better it would be reasonable to think it was just waiting for me. The weather channels are actually saying that the sakura will be in blossom on Wednesday. They are normally accurate as cherry blossom is big bussiness
Just had a wonderful day away this weekend down at Zushi which is the next main stop along from the famous Kamakura. It a really lovely place with a vibe of Japan mets Manly/Capetown.
The weather was stunningly nice, cool as the wind was blowing of the snow from Fuji-san, but still a wonderful early spring day. Being only an hour from Central Tokyo its actually quite a commutable distance and is up for serious consideration to move to. Its not really Shimoda, but still a wonderful place to come to to regenerate.