With so many serious things going on its always good to find something to find something that gives you a giggle! Or in this case a bloody good laugh.
Archive for 2007
The actual chemo started today. Its now 9pm and the etopomide is still
being pumped in and will sometimes feeling a little odd nothing major so
Well other than having to pee half a litre every 20 minutes. Which is a
good thing as the kidneys are working.!
Back to the Urologist today to begin stage two of my treatment. The recommendation is for Chemotherapy as according to Japan or latest protocols radiotherapy is not as effective, it was in line with some reading I had done from the UK, so that’s now the course of action. Next step is to meet my oncologist this Friday, watch this space.
I’ve started reading the first parts of the Lance Armstrong book ‘Its Not About the Bike’, a friend recommended it to me and I was going to start it when I came out of hospital but found that even reading a couple of pages was just too upsetting. It’s still causing a few tears now, but more I think from understanding than from me feeling sorry for myself or scared.
Everything has gone really well so far and the outlook is really good, but you still can’t help thinking about the 5% who didn’t make it. Its odd being at the point where I’m actually feeling better day by day and now I’m going to be heading back to hospital to become sick again. (while quietly hoping that the effects will be mild). I guess again I need to wait until Friday to find out all those details as well.
Once again another date and another wait.
It’s all kicking off now. Drip is in and saline flowing in
Did I mention that I live equi distance between at least two of them, and then there is another just across the road from the AM/PM store, so that’s really 3 within a 5 minute walk. You really do just have to love this city.
Well its all determined now. Met with the specialist on Friday afternoon and they gave me the layout of the plan and whats going to happen. I’ll be receiving the EP Chemotherapy protocol. The drugs are Cisplastin (the P drug) and Etoposide (the E drug). Its going to be 3 cycles of 21 days each. The first three days are in hospital receiving the drugs, then a few days after checking results then home for rest of the 21 days then repeat, and repeat again, and I’ve been told possible repeat again.
Will be digging out the baseball caps I have somewhere as I’m going to need them. That should be an interesting look. As someone at work pointed out a silver lining, don’t need to shave! And on the silver lining topic I also get my teeth cleaned by the hospital as they need to be really healthy to prevent infection! And I was overdue a clean as well.
Just loading the last of the music and TV programs for viewing whilst sitting around waiting. I should be able to write to this long from the phone so will see how it goes. Later
Thats what it is called here. I think in the UK it was called the plan of attack. Today its talk to the oncologist and find out what they have in store for me. I already have nausea and the last meal I kept down was Thursday lunch
Last Monday the future was all looking fairly simple, then on Tuesday it was back to upside down, Wednesday was decision time and then it was simple again. We go off and get some extra treatment and then resume life again. Having made that choice a level of secerenity was possible, now I’m starting to get the real details of it all and quite frankly I don’t have to wait for the chemo induced nausea as I’ve got it already!
When something like this is staring you straight in the eyes you starting searching for the strength to stare right back. Unbeknown to me and surprisingly it is my mothers religous faith that is helping provide this strengh. I’m not going to be running off to confession and taking communion anytime soon, but that belief that there is something more, blended with a few bits and pieces from my travels is very comforting when your all alone in the night.
One moment the sky is clear and the next moment its falling down. If you know where that came from, then you know. From it I did learn an important lesson. Take a moment that you really need and then it will always be there for you. For me I remember a really clear moment when I was at home sitting the boarding platform of Waima out by the mussel farms. We had pulled up one of the lines so that we could get the mussels of them (ps we have permission to do this from the owners, so please don’t just go and do it). We had pulled up what we need and I had was still loading them into the sack. I had one leg in the water and the other on the back of the boat and then opened a raw mussel to eat.
I looked up and across the mussel farms was my home. My only home that I’ve ever known, the green of the grass blurred back into the blue mountains. It was one of the endless summer days we get and it was all just so perfect. I put it into my memory to always remember that moment so I could have some of who I was, am and will always be.
It never snows where I live, but this was a unique and special moment for me and an expected snow to me, a flake with unique patterns that will never be repeated and for then it was mine to behold.