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Asian Whispers Mar 30

Well today was our goal setting review
date where you sit down with you manager and discuss your goals for
the year. Well what an interesting session that was. Firstly
neither of us were looking forward to the session, and with very
different reasons.

After a rocky start it appeared that various communications between
another manager had completely garbled messages and set us both off
on completely different tangents. It wasn’t  just one statement, but
rather a whole truckload of things that had been garbled in the
translations and communications. My manager was under the
impression that I was transferring in two months time to another

Given that I’d yet to have a conversation about this the two month
figure is rather startling cos it was certainly news to me. It
would be nice to transfer to Sydney and its what I was after, but
again where did the two months come from. No wonder she didn’t
want to do the review. Why set goals that are redudant.

Long story short, or short meeting turned into long we seemed to
have cleared the air about alot of things and hopefully life will
settle back to normal abit now.

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